
Abbkine announces the release of EliKine™ Human TGF-β1 ELISA Kit

Abbkine Scientific has recently announced the official release of its new product, the EliKine™ Human TGF-β1 ELISA Kit. This is part of the company’s commitment to ensuring an easier and more effective research process. Otherwise known as the Human TGFB1 ELISA Kit, the product is coming as an addition to the long list of research products and solutions from the scientific research giant.

Gene TGF-β is also known as LAP, so the EliKine™ Human TGF-β1 ELISA Kit is often called EliKine™ Human LAP ELISA Kit, the product is one of EliKine™ ELISA Kits, the featured Kit is probably the first of its kind in the industry with features and benefits that distinguish it from other such products on the market. Over the years, scientists, researchers and investigators alike have had to deal with products that are either exorbitantly priced or those that fail to deliver on their claims.

[caption id="attachment_82703" align="alignleft" width="303"]This is Human TGF-β1 detected by featured EliKine™ Human TGF-β1 ELISA Kit (KET6030) Human TGF-β1 is detected by featured EliKine™ Human TGF-β1 ELISA Kit (KET6030)[/caption]

The recent launch of the research kit by Abbkine Scientific therefore signals a new beginning in the scientific research world, with the major benefit being its high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Human TGF-β1.

In addition to the benefit mentioned above, no significant cross-reactivity or interference between Human TGF-β1 and analogues was observed after using the EliKine™ Human TGF-β1 ELISA Kit.

Some of the components of the kit include Human TGF-β1 microplate, Human TGF-β1 standard, Human TGF-β1 detect antibody, EliKine™ Streptavidin-HRP, and Standard diluent. The kit also consists of Assay buffer, HRP substrate, Stop solution, Wash buffer, and Plate covers.

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health. We're devoting to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, and drug discovery. Abbkine is delighted to offer reproducible and sensitive EliKine ELISA kits for quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins with sandwich or competitive ELISA methods, individually.


LinKine™ FITC Labeling Kit becomes a new member to Conjugation kits family

[caption id="attachment_70301" align="alignleft" width="219"]LinKine™ FITC Labeling Kit from Abbkine LinKine™ FITC Labeling Kit[/caption]

Abbkine Scientific has launched its brand-new product LinKine™ FITC Labeling Kit recently. This product is designed for preparing FITC conjugates directly from proteins, peptides, and other ligands that contain a free amino group. The high sensitivity and excellent specificity make this product become unique.

Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) is a derivative of fluorescein used in wide-ranging applications including flow cytometry. FITC is the original fluorescein molecule functionalized with an isothiocyanate reactive group (-N=C=S), replacing a hydrogen atom on the bottom ring of the structure. This derivative is reactive towards nucleophiles including amine and sulfhydryl groups on proteins. FITC has excitation and emission spectrum peak wavelengths of approximately 492 nm/520 nm, giving it a green color.

The LinKine™ FITC Labeling Kit is also known as LinKine™ FITC Conjugation Kit which has many irreplaceable benefits. The kit includes purification columns, ensuring rapid and efficient removal of non-reacted dye and excellent protein recovery. Another featured benefit is the Single-use fluors.  The featured FITC Conjugation Kit contains single-use vials of reagent. Since the product has been officially launched to LinKine™ Conjugation kits family, we can hope for the raising sales volume because of its high quality and competitive price.

The Kit consists of three parts- Activated FITC solution, FITC labeling solution, Purification column, which makes the kit easy to use. But you should pay attention to that kit components should be stored at 4˚C for 6 months and the initial concentration of the molecules to be labelled should not less than 2mg/ml. The issue of LinKine™ FITC Labeling Kit is a revolutionary step for Abbkine.

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health. We're devoting to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, and drug discovery. Abbkine is delighted to offer reproducible and sensitive EliKine ELISA kits for quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins with sandwich or competitive ELISA methods, individually.


Abbkine Scientific announces the launch of LinKine™ HRP Labeling Kit

[caption id="attachment_69497" align="alignleft" width="262"]LinKine™ HRP Labelling Kit is designed for preparing HRP conjugates directly from proteins, peptides, and other ligands that contain a free amino group. Abbkine's LinKine™ HRP Labelling Kit[/caption]Abbkine is devoted to reform the research tools in life science research field. Providing high quality antibody and assay kit for research use will be our eternal pursuit. With the recently official launch of LinKine™ HRP Labeling Kit, Abbkine is getting closer to this aim. The company has launched the product as a part of its plan to revolutionize the field of life science and scientific research. The LinKine™ HRP Labeling Kit soon becomes one of the best-selling product among Abbkine Kit family.

Abbkine injected a large amount of human and financial resources in this year to develop a series of LinKine™ kits coupling labeling kits, which largely strengthen the core competitiveness of Abbkine products. The features and benefits of this series of kits are obvious. Firstly, it provides an optimized project for experiement. If you obey the standard experiment procedure, depending on the excellent pre-activated dye, Protein ratio and Patent solution formula, you can get the best activity or fluorescence. Secondly, this product is convenient to operate. You can achieve an ideal result normally by three steps, attaching the coupling group to the primary amine site of the antibody or other protein. Thirdly, we can supply customization service especially. By changing the molar ratio, reaction buffer, PH and other parameters, you can arrive at the different levels of coupling and activity. Abbkine holds a strong belief on the innovation and sustainability in this series of products.

As is known to all that horseradish peroxidase also referred to HRP is one of the most important enzymes obtained from a plant source. HRP is an important heme-containing enzyme that has been studied for more than a century. In recent years new information has become available on the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme and its catalytic intermediates, mechanisms of catalysis and the function of specific amino acid residues. It continues to attract the attention of researchers from a variety of disciplines because of its practical and commercial applications.

The featured conjugation Kit provides a simple and quick process to conjugate antibodies, peptides, proteinsand other molecules with free amine groups with HRP. This kit is absolutely a powerful supplement to Abbkine kit group. Here we’d like also to mention that horseradish peroxidase is a 44kDa glycoprotein with 6 lysine residues. The enzyme label can be visualized by chromogenic reactions.

The LinKine™ HRP Labeling Kit is mainly composed of three parts-Activated HRP conjugates solution, HRP labeling solution and HRP quencher powder. The featured benefits include High activity HRP, Convenient quantities and so on, which are extremely helpful to scientific research. This product is both high in quality and competitive in price and it deserves buying.

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health. We're devoting to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, and drug discovery. Abbkine is delighted to offer reproducible and sensitive EliKine ELISA kits for quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins with sandwich or competitive ELISA methods, individually.