
Want High accuracy and specificity? Yes, it’s Abbkine CheKine™ Catalase (CAT) Activity Assay Kit with great value


Catalase is a common enzyme found in nearly all living organisms exposed to oxygen (such as bacteria, plants, and animals). It catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. It is a very important enzyme in protecting the cell from oxidative damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Likewise, catalase has one of the highest turnover numbers of all enzymes; one catalase molecule can convert millions of hydrogen peroxide molecules to water and oxygen each second.

Catalase is a common enzyme found in nearly all living organisms exposed to oxygen (such as bacteria, plants, and animals). It catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. It is a very important enzyme in protecting the cell from oxidative damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Likewise, catalase has one of the highest turnover numbers of all enzymes; one catalase molecule can convert millions of hydrogen peroxide molecules to water and oxygen each second.

Catalase is a tetramer of four polypeptide
chains, each over 500 amino acids long. It contains four iron-containing heme
groups that allow the enzyme to react with the hydrogen peroxide. The optimum
pH for human catalase is approximately and has a fairly broad maximum, the rate
of reaction does not change appreciably between pH 6.8 and 7.5. The pH optimum
for other catalases varies between 4 and 11 depending on the species. The
optimum temperature also varies by species.

【Abbkine Catalase Activity Assay Kit

Abbkine Catalase
Activity Assay Kit
utilizes the peroxidatic
function of catalase for measuring

catalase activity, based on the reaction of catalase with
methanol, with the presence of an optimal concentration of H2O2.
The formaldehyde produced can be measured colorimetrically at OD 540 nm.
Therefore, the catalase activity present in the sample is proportional to the signal

Most commercial
Catalase Activity Assay Kits apply this principle that residual
hydrogen peroxide is oxidized by peroxidase to form the colored substrate, and the
catalase activity was detected indirectly. However, other peroxidases in the
sample may interfere with the experimental results and this method may cause
standard curve errors due to unstable hydrogen peroxide.

kit has unique advantages, which can detect the enzyme activity directly, with
better more veracity and higher specificity. Since methanol is a unique
substrate of catalase, other peroxidases cannot use methanol as a substrate, so
interference signals are avoided.

Product name


Detection Range

Catalase (CAT) Activity Assay Kit


2-75 µM

【Kit components

• Assay Buffer (10x)

• Sample Diluent (10x)

• Formaldehyde standard (4.25

• Catalase (positive control)

• Potassium Hydroxide

• Hydrogen Peroxide

• Chromogen

• Potassium Periodate

【Features & Benefits

  • Determination of catalase
    activity in serum, plasma, tissue/cell lysates and other biological fluids.
  • A
    broad range linearity of 2-75 µM, measure catalase activity down to
    2 U/ml
  • Determining
    catalase activity directly by utilizing the peroxidase function of catalase,
    which cannot be interfered by other peroxidases. 
  • Simple
    operation, only four steps to complete the measurement

【Results Analysis

Formaldehyde (µM)

  1. Calculate the formaldehyde
    concentration of the samples using the equation obtained from standard

2)Calculate the CAT activity of the sample using the following
equation. One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme that will cause the
formation of 1.0 nmol of formaldehyde per minute at 25°C

Note: µM means nmol/ml

Please refer to Product datasheet: https://www.abbkine.com/file/booklet/KTB1040-B.pdf

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine serves global scientists in the
field of proteomics and cytology and is committed to the innovation and
development of various scientific reagents related to proteomics and cytology,
expecting to accelerate the pace of life science research and drug discovery.
Proteomics products cover the preparation of samples (protein extraction,
purification, coupling), protein quantification, antibodies and kits for
protein detection. Cytology products involve cytokines (cell culture), cell
status detection, cell staining, organelle extraction, cell metabolism and
cytopathology reagents (kits). Abbkine relies on the product portfolio and
unique marketing support as the main market strategy and product innovation
mode, with ultimate aim to facilitate your research career.


Observing three-dimensional dynamics of the nucleus in live cells, Abbkine will give you great experiences !

Live-cell imaging technique allows
real-time examination of almost every aspect of cellular function under normal
and experimental conditions, so it is especially popular with cytology
researchers. Abbkine TraKine™ Pro is a series of cell-permeable organic fluorescent
probes which can selectively recognize and label organelles. Currently, we
launched the staining kits involve tubulin, lysosome, mitochondrion and nuclei.
This paper introduces the TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Nuclei Staining kit (Deep Red
Fluorescence with Super Resolution).

Function of nucleus

The nucleus is the largest and most important cell structure in eukaryotic cells, mainly composed of nuclear envelope, chromatin, nuclear skeleton, nucleolus and nucleosome. Nuclear membrane is a two-layer membrane that completely encloses the nucleus and separates the material within the membrane from the cytoplasm and lamina.

The nucleus contains most of the cell’s
genome, organized as multiple long linear DNA molecules in a complex with a
large variety of proteins, such as histones, to form chromosomes. It is the
regulatory center of cell heredity and metabolism, and plays an important role
in cell metabolism, growth and differentiation.

Commercially available nucleus fluorescent probes

nucleus is the place where the genetic material is stored and reproduced, and
it is also the control center of cellular heredity and cell metabolism. Studying
its function, mechanism, dynamics and interaction is important direction for
cytology researchers.

present, the existing nuclear dyes (such as PI, DAPI, ethd-1, etc.) are mostly
used for dying cell staining, apoptosis research, nuclear counterstaining, and
so on. Hoechst dye is a compound synthesized by Hoechst AG originally, which is
soluble in water and organic solvents. It can cross cell membranes and bind to
living or fixed cells, the fluorescence intensity enhanced along with the increase
of the pH value of the solution.









cell staining; counterstaining; Apoptosis study





or fixed cells; Apoptosis study





cells or tissues; fixed cells or tissue; Apoptosis study

Homodimer-1 (EthD-1)




cell staining; High affinity fluorescent nucleic acid dyes, binding DNA or RNA

there is no dye that can be used to observe the dynamics of living cell nucleus
very well currently. Abbkine researchers developed a unique TraKine™ Pro
fluorescent probe that can track the 3d dynamics of living cell nucleus for a
long time with ultra-high resolution.

The TraKine™ Pro nuclear fluorescence probe has been
specially optimized, which contains a fluorescent dye and a small molecular
group that specifically identifies the nucleus, to locate the nucleus and track
its dynamics and changes. It is the only highly specific live cell nuclear
staining product on the market.

Product name



Live or fixed cells

Microscope compatibility

TraKine™ Pro Live-cell Nuclei Staining kit (Deep Red
Fluorescence with Super Resolution)



Live& fixed cells

Fluorescence microscope,Confocal, SIM, PALM, STORM, TIRF

【Features & Benefits】

1 Optimized staining protocol for labeling subcellular structures in mammalian living and fixed cells.
2 Super resolution, especially suitable for Confocal and long-term super-resolution imaging (such as SIM, STED, TIRF, STORM and PALM).
3 Fluorescence can last for several hours in cells, stable and persistent, especially ideal for monitoring dynamics
4 High specificity, low background, excellent photostability and good cell permeability.
5 Safe, low levels of cytotoxicity to cells

results are the best illustration】

imaging: U2OS cells

KTC4510 Confocal
imaging: U2OS cells

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine serves global scientists in the
field of proteomics and cytology and is committed to the innovation and
development of various scientific reagents related to proteomics and cytology,
expecting to accelerate the pace of life science research and drug discovery.
Proteomics products cover the preparation of samples (protein extraction,
purification, coupling), protein quantification, antibodies and kits for
protein detection. Cytology products involve cytokines (cell culture), cell
status detection, cell staining, organelle extraction, cell metabolism and
cytopathology reagents (kits). Abbkine relies on the product portfolio and
unique marketing support as the main market strategy and product innovation
mode, with ultimate aim to facilitate your research career.


Caspase(1,2,3,4,6,8,9) Assay Kit- Simple and convenient, to boost your apoptosis study

【Tips】If you are studying whether a certain drug can trigger apoptosis which relys on the caspase related pathway, and want to detect the activity of caspase, this article is suitable for you! This article is especially fit for researchers who are working hard to benefit the mankind.


Caspases(cysteine-aspartic proteases) are a
family of protease enzymes playing essential roles in programmed cell death
(including apoptosis, pyroptosis and necroptosis) and inflammation. The cascade
reaction caused by caspases is a central part of the apoptotic process, and its
activation mainly includes the mitochondria-dependent pathway and the death
receptor-mediated signal transduction pathway. The downstream caspases are then
activated, leading to apoptosis by cleavage of specific substrates. Inhibition
of apoptotic function will lead to tumorigenesis and abnormal immune function.
However, hyperfunction of apoptotic function is closely related to the
pathogenesis of tissue damage and organ failure.

【Caspase Structure】

【Assay Principle】

Abbkine Caspase Assay Kits are based on different
caspases can catalyze specific substrates to generate pNA(p-nitroaniline), resulting
in the release of p-nitroaniline (pNA), which can be quantified using a
spectrophotometer or a microtiter plate reader at at 405 nm.

Product name


Caspase-1 Assay
Kit (Colorimetric)


Caspase-2 Assay
Kit (Colorimetric)


Caspase-3 Assay
Kit (Colorimetric)


Caspase-4 Assay
Kit (Colorimetric)


Caspase-6 Assay
Kit (Colorimetric)


Caspase-8 Assay
Kit (Colorimetric)


Caspase-9 Assay
Kit (Colorimetric)


【Assay Procedure】

  1. Add samples, background control
    and standard
  2. Add Reaction Buffer and
    substrate, incubate
  3. Read samples at 405 nm

three steps, a big step in scientific research!

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine serves global scientists in the
field of proteomics and cytology and is committed to the innovation and
development of various scientific reagents related to proteomics and cytology,
expecting to accelerate the pace of life science research and drug discovery.
Proteomics products cover the preparation of samples (protein extraction,
purification, coupling), protein quantification, antibodies and kits for
protein detection. Cytology products involve cytokines (cell culture), cell
status detection, cell staining, organelle extraction, cell metabolism and
cytopathology reagents (kits). Abbkine relies on the product portfolio and
unique marketing support as the main market strategy and product innovation
mode, with ultimate aim to facilitate your research career.