
New product: IL-6, TNF-alpha, bFGF, IFN-gamma recombinant protein upgrading!

The new product line in this recombinant protein series:

IL-6 protein
Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a pleiotropic
cytokine that plays an important role in host defense by regulating immune and
inflammatory responses. IL-6 is an important member of the cytokine network and
is central to the acute inflammatory response. After the production of IL-6, it
induces the production of C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT),
which are associated with inflammatory diseases and infections. The degree is
directly related. IL-6 can quickly diagnose early inflammation and warn of

TNF-alpha protein
Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) is a cytokine
involved in systemic inflammation, mainly secreted by macrophages. Its main function
is to regulate immune cells. As an endogenous pyrogen, it can cause fever,
cause apoptosis, prevent tumorigenesis and virus replication. Its dysfunction
is thought to be related to many diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease,
psoriasis, cancer, major depression, and enteritis. TNF-a is an important part
of the cell signaling pathway, so it has become the target of multiple drugs.

bFGF protein
Mouse bFGF protein

Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is a trace
substance present in mammals and a multifunctional cell growth factor. bFGF has
obvious tendency activity to wound cells, induces inflammatory cells,
fibroblasts, vascular endothelial cells to move to the wound site, activates
the phagocytic function of macrophages, improves the body's immune activity,
and significantly reduces the chance of wound infection.

IFN-gamma protein, His Tag
Mouse IFN-gamma protein, His TagIFN-gamma belongs
to the type II interferon family, which is
widely involved in immune and inflammatory responses. Proper activation of IFN-γ signaling pathway can promote the activation
of macrophages and mediate the host's defense function against pathogens. At
the same time, IFN-γ signaling
pathway can also play an immunomodulatory role in anti-tumor immunity.

New product details:

Product supply form: freeze-dried powder
form, very stable at room temperature. Recommendation: Lyophilized protein
product should be stored desiccated below -20°C.. After dissolution, the
product can be stored at 4℃ for 2-7 days, please keep it below -20℃ for long-term
use. For long-term storage, it is recommended to add carrier protein (0.1% HSA
or BSA), and store it separately as appropriate to avoid repeated freezing and

Application areas: antibody preparation or
detection, ELISA standards, cell or tissue culture and other functional

Price guarantee: better discounts, lower prices.

Product name


Preparation method



Size/ Price

Human IL-6 protein  

E. coli
> 95 %  
Lyophilized powder

Human TNF-alpha protein  

E. coli
> 95 %   Lyophilized powder
Human bFGF protein  

E. coli

> 95 %

Lyophilized powder

Mouse bFGF protein  

E. coli

> 95 %

Lyophilized powder

Human IFN-gamma protein, His Tag

E. coli

> 95 %

Lyophilized powder

Mouse IFN-gamma protein, His Tag

E. coli

> 95 %

Lyophilized powder


Abbkine focuses on the fields of immunology
and cytology, and is committed to innovating and developing various types of
antibodies, proteins, analytical reagents and kits, with a view to becoming a
key promoter in the fields of life science research and development, and drug
development. Here, we present to you the favorite products of protein and
immune research users, from basic immunological products, such as protein
extraction and quantification, to internal reference label antibodies, primary
and secondary antibodies for immunological experiments; cell research users’
favorite Products ranging from dyes and kits for cell state detection,
organelle extraction kits, cell substructure staining and cell metabolism
detection products, to cytokine and protein detection kits for cell culture,
just to help you Research career!

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in
2012. Our mission is to become a respected and world-class supplier of
biomedical products and services. Through a clear core strategy and a corporate culture that
promotes learning, innovation, cooperation, and excellence, we will stimulate
our inherent creativity, provide competitive biomedical products and services,
and continue to create maximum value for customers and achieve our mission.


How to choose appropriate Catalase (CAT) Activity Assay Kit?

Catalase (CAT) is an antioxidant enzyme commonly found in almost all living organisms. Its main function is to catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen and remove hydrogen peroxide in the body, thus preventing cells from being poisoned by H2O2. It is one of the key enzymes in the biological defense system and provides an antioxidant defense mechanism for the body.

In this article, for CAT Activity Assay Kit, the author chose different brands (Cayman Chemical, Abcam, Biovision) and compared them with Abbkine CheKine™ Catalase (CAT) Activity Assay Kit (Cat#: KTB1040) from several aspects such as assay principle, detection, sample type and size/price.

Summary: For CAT Activity Assay Kit, the brand Abbkine and Cayman Chemical are the similar in Assay Principle. Methanol is taken as a reaction substrate. While Abcam and Biovision take H2O2 as a reaction substrate.

But H2O2 is not only a single substrate of catalase (CAT), other peroxidases in the sample may interfere with the experimental results, and the standard curve error may be caused by instability of hydrogen peroxide. While methanol is the unique substrate of catalase, other peroxidases cannot use methanol as substrate, so interference signals are avoided.

Details of different brands of products are as follows,

BrandAssay PrincipleSample typeSize/Price
AbbkineThis assay kit utilizes the peroxidatic function of catalase for measuring catalase activity, based on the reaction of catalase with methanol, with the presence of an optimal concentration of H2O2. The formaldehyde produced can be measured colorimetrically at OD 540 nm. Therefore, the catalase activity present in the sample is proportional to the signal obtained.Tissue Homogenate, Cell Lysate, serum, plasma, erythrocyte lysate48T/$40
Cayman ChemicalThis assay kit utilizes the peroxidatic function of catalase for measuring catalase activity, based on the reaction of catalase with methanol, with the presence of an optimal concentration of H2O2. The formaldehyde produced can be measured colorimetrically at OD 540 nm. Therefore, the catalase activity present in the sample is proportional to the signal obtained.Tissue Homogenate, Cell Lysate, serum, plasma, erythrocyte lysate96T/$270

AbcamThe catalase present in the sample reacts with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to produce water and oxygen. The unconverted H2O2 reacts with probe to produce a product that can be measured colorimetrically at OD 570 nm.Serum, Plasma, Cell Lysate, Tissue Lysate, Urine100T/$415
BiovisionThe catalase present in the sample reacts with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to produce water and oxygen. The unconverted H2O2 reacts with probe to produce a product that can be measured colorimetrically at OD 570 nm.Tissue Homogenate, Cell Lysate, erythrocyte lysate100T/$340

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine serves global scientists in the field of proteomics and cytology and is committed to the innovation and development of various scientific reagents related to proteomics and cytology, expecting to accelerate the pace of life science research and drug discovery. Proteomics products cover the preparation of samples (protein extraction, purification, coupling), protein quantification, antibodies and kits for protein detection. Cytology products involve cytokines (cell culture), cell status detection, cell staining, organelle extraction, cell metabolism and cytopathology reagents (kits). Abbkine relies on the product portfolio and unique marketing support as the main market strategy and product innovation mode, with ultimate aim to facilitate your research career.