
EliKine™ Human CCL2 ELISA Kit Review

EliKine™ Human CCL2 ELISA Kit ReviewThe chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2) is also referred to as monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP1) and small inducible cytokine A2. CCL2 is a small cytokine that belongs to the CC chemokine family. CCL2 recruits monocytes, memory T cells, and dendritic cells to the sites of inflammation produced by either tissue injury or infection. In the human genome, CCL2 and many other CC chemokines are located on chromosome 17 (17q11.2-q21.1). The protein encoded by this gene is structurally related to the CXC subfamily of cytokines. Members of this subfamily are characterized by two cysteines separated by a single amino acid. This cytokine displays chemotactic activity for monocytes and basophils but not for neutrophils or eosinophils. It has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diseases characterized by monocytic infiltrates, like psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and atherosclerosis. It binds to chemokine receptors CCR2 and CCR4.

Human CCL2 ELISA Kit employs a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate CCL2 in samples. An antibody specific for CCL2 has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any CCL2 present is bound by the immobilized antibody. After removing any unbound substances, a biotin-conjugated antibody specific for CCL2 is added to the wells. After washing, proprietary EliKine™ Streptavidin-HRP conjugates is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound streptavidin-enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of CCL2 bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.

I purchased several antibodies form Abbkine in the last months, and have to say this is a trustworthy brand. Recently, I ordered a EliKine™ Human CCL2 ELISA Kit and want to detect the CCL2 in the serum sample. The technical support is very professional and he patiently guide me prepare the samples and calculate the results via the software. Experiments show that Abbkine ELISA kit has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Human CCL2. No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Human CCL2 and analogues was observed. I really appreciate this experience, I will continue to support Abbkine products.

