
EliKine™ Human TNF-α ELISA Kit – the latest revolutionary scientific research kit

Human TNF-α Level deteted by featured EliKine™ Human TNF-α ELISA KitHuman TNF-α ELISA Kit is the latest product from Abbkine Scientific Research Company. As part of the company’s plans to ease the research process and ensure that better results are gotten in record time, the company made the announcement to official launch the Human TNF alpha ELISA Kit on the market.

The ELISA Kit is particularly designed to allow for the easy detection of Human TNF-α. Consequently, investigators, researchers and other such users of the product can easily get their desired results in record time. This also ensures that better results are gotten.

EliKine™ Human TNF-α ELISA Kit employs a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate TNF-α in samples, it has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Human TNF-α. No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Human TNF-α and analogues was observed.

The recent launch of the Human TNF-α ELISA Kit has been described by many as a revolutionary introduction to the industry. With a high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Human TNF-α, the product stands above its peers on the market.

EliKine™ Human TNF alpha ELISA Kit includes Human TNF-α microplate, Human TNF-α standard, Human TNF-α detect antibody, EliKine™ Streptavidin-HRP,  Standard diluen, Assay buffer, HRP substrate, Stop solution, Wash buffer, Plate covers. The kit has a calibration range of 7.8 pg/ml-500 pg/ml and uses the Colorimetric detection method, with a detection limit of 4 pg/mL.

About Abbkine ELISA Kit

Abbkine Inc. is a company founded by a team of scientists and marketing experts in the field of life science. Founded in 2012 and headquartered in China. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health, we newly launched EliKine™ series of ELISA kits exert high sensibility and specificity, with a comprehensive selection of ELISA kits available for the quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins, to meet your multiple experiment demands.


Abbkine Scientific announces new release of the EliKine™ Human FSH ELISA Kit

Human FSH Level deteted by featured EliKine™ Human FSH ELISA KitAbbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. has announced the official release of its new science research kit, the EliKine™ Human FSH ELISA Kit, designed to ease the research process and ensure investigators are more effective with their operations.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is a gonadotropin, a glycoprotein polypeptide hormone, it is also called FSH-alpha, FSHA, etc. FSH plays an important role in regulating the development, growth, pubertal maturation and reproductive processes of human being. FSH is often used in the treatment of infertility, especially during IVF. In some cases, it is also used for anovulation and reversal.

The EliKine™ Human FSH ELISA Kit is newly released by Abbkine Scientific which is a leading biotechnology company based in China, it includes Human FSH microplate, Human FSH standard, Human FSH detect antibody, HRP substrate A, HRP substrate B, Stop solution, Wash buffer,Plate covers. The Human FSH Kit has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detecting human FSH and also has showed no significant cross-reaction or interference between human FSH and analogues.

Other features and benefits of Human FSH ELISA Kit include colorimetric detection method, multiple steps standard sandwich ELISA assay with a working time of 2 to 3 hours and a calibration range of 2 IU/L-70 IU/L.

The FSH kit is only for research use and is not intended for use in human or clinical diagnosis.

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health. We're devoting to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, and drug discovery. Abbkine is delighted to offer reproducible and sensitive EliKine ELISA kits for quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins with sandwich or competitive ELISA methods, individually.


Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody Production Protocol (70-Day)

Standard 70-day rabbit immunization protocol for rabbit polyclonal antibody production

Abbkine has offered polyclonal antibody manufacturing services for more than four decades. Our expertise includes using a variety of different hosts for the development of polyclonal antibodies, including the most commonly used New Zealand white rabbits. Goats, sheep, rats, mouse and donkeys are also often selected.

This 2-Rabbit 70-Day protocol is optimized to produce antiserum in the shortest possible time. It is the most affordable option, popular among individual academic researchers.

The default immunization schedule uses two NZW SPF rabbits (New Zealand White rabbits that are Specific Pathogen-Free); additional rabbits are easily added to the standard order for a modest cost. Injections are subcutaneous (SQ) as emulsions in Complete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA) or Incomplete Freund's Adjuvant (IFA); alternative adjuvants can be used if requested. Continuation of rabbits after Day 60 is offered on a month-to-month basis. A brief protocol is listed below.

Antigen preparation, such as peptide synthesis and/or immunogen conjugation, occurs before Day 0. Injection amounts are given for a conjugated peptide antigen (e.g., KLH) or protein immunogen; MAP-peptide antigens are injected at 0.5mg throughout. Protocol Days are approximate (± 2 days).

ProcedureProtocol dayDescription
Control serum collectionDay 0Pre-immune bleed (5 mL per rabbit)
Primary injectionDay 1Immunize with 0.50 mg of antigen in CFA, 10 SQ sites
1st boosterDay 14Boost with 0.25 mg of antigen in IFA, 4 SQ sites
2nd boosterDay 28Boost with 0.25 mg of antigen in IFA, 4 SQ sites
Serum collectionDay 35Bleed (~25 mL per rabbit)
3rd BoosterDay 42Boost with 0.25 mg of antigen in IFA, 4 SQ sites
Serum collectionDay 56, 58Two bleeds (~50 mL total per rabbit)
ELISA and shippingDay 60ELISA titration (results available online);
Verify disposition of rabbits; decide to continue or terminate
Instruction due dateDay 72If no animal instructions are received, per diem charges will apply
Deliverables (Day 60): 12 vials crude antibody sera
  • 2 vials: 1-2 mL test aliquots pre-immune sera

  • 2 vials: 5 mL per vial pre-immune sera

  • 4 vials: 1-2 mL test aliquots post-inject sera (Day 35 and 58)

  • 4 vials: 20-50 mL per vial bulk post-inject sera (Day 35 and 58)


EliKine™ Human CCL2/MCP-1 ELISA Kit Officially Released by Abbkine

Human CCL2 Level deteted by featured EliKine™ Human CCL2 ELISA KitAbbkine Scientific has officially announced the release of its EliKine™ Human CCL2 ELISA Kit. The product also is known as the Human MCP1 ELISA Kit which is unique for its high sensitivity and excellent specificity.

The chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2) is also referred to as monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP1) and small inducible cytokine A2. Other alternative names include MCP-1, HC11, MCAF, HSMCR30, SMC-CF, GDCF-2, SCYA2, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, monocyte secretory protein JE. CCL2 is a small cytokine that belongs to the CC chemokine family. CCL2 recruits monocytes, memory T cells, and dendritic cells to the sites of inflammation produced by either tissue injury or infection. Abbkine newly launched EliKine™ Human CCL2/MCP-1 ELISA Kit exerts high sensibility and specificity for the quantification of Human CCL2/MCP-1 in various samples to CCL2 level determination.

The Human MCP1 ELISA Kit comes with different features and benefits that stand it out from its contemporaries on the market. This ELISA kit employs a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate CCL2 in samples, using colorimetric detection method. With a Sandwich ELISA (quantitative) assay type and working duration of between 3 and 5 hours depending on the operator, the kit looks to be a game changer in the industry.

This featured Human CCL2/MCP-1 ELISA Kit components that include Human CCL2 microplate, Avidin-HRP, HRP substrate, Wash buffer, and Stop solution, allows for easy use and manipulation, further endearing it to several investigators and researchers across the world. Our complete, ready-to-use ELISA Kits reduce assay time and variability and are available in either 1 or 10 pre-coated plate options.

About Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health, We're devoting to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, and drug discovery. Abbkine is delighted to offer reproducible and sensitive EliKine ELISA kits for quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins with sandwich or competitive ELISA methods, individually.


A New Coat Improves DNA Transfection

Gene delivery to primary human cells is a technology of critical interest to both life science research and therapeutic applications. However, poor efficiencies in gene transfer and undesirable safety profiles remain key limitations in advancing this technology. Here, we describe a materials-based approach whereby application of a bioresorbable mineral coating improves microparticle-based transfection of plasmid DNA lipoplexes in several primary human cell types. In the presence of these mineral-coated microparticles (MCMs), we observed up to 4-fold increases in transfection efficiency with simultaneous reductions in cytotoxicity. We identified mechanisms by which MCMs improve transfection, as well as coating compositions that improve transfection in three-dimensional cell constructs. The approach afforded efficient transfection in primary human fibroblasts as well as mesenchymal and embryonic stem cells for both two- and three-dimensional transfection strategies. This MCM-based transfection is an advancement in gene delivery technology, as it represents a non-viral approach that enables highly efficient, localized transfection and allows for transfection of three-dimensional cell constructs.

DNA transfection of mammalian cells is a critical tool for both research and therapeutic purposes, and chemical methods of DNA transfection using cationic lipids or polymers has proven to be a popular and flexible approach. These reagents function by complexing with and then condensing DNA it so that it is small enough to be endocytosed by cells. Their positive charge helps overcome the electrical repulsion between the negatively charged DNA backbone and the cell membrane.
Compared to viral and physical methods of DNA transfection, however, chemical transfection methods have poor efficiencies, can be cytotoxic, and work poorly in 3-D cell cultures due to physical barriers that impede access to the interior cells in the cultures. Now, researchers led by William Murphy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have improved the efficiency of chemical DNA transfection by combining it with the use of mineral-coated microparticles (MCMs).

Plain microparticles help chemical transfection by increasing the interaction of DNA complexes with the cell membrane. Murphy’s team previously demonstrated that they could increase non-viral transfection of primary human cells by using mineral coatings on the cell culture substrate. This suggested that MCMs might better bind to the DNA complexes in solution than uncoated microparticles.

When the team added microparticles coated with calcium phosphate (spiked with sodium fluoride) to plasmid DNA complexed with a cationic lipid (DNA lipoplex), they obtained a four-fold increase in the transfection efficiency of human primary fibroblasts in 2-D culture compared to the soluble DNA lipoplex alone. While part of the increase in transfection efficiency was due to the known binding of DNA lipoplexes by microparticles, the additional increase caused by the mineral coating was not due to increased binding of the DNA lipoplexes by the MCMs compared to the uncoated microparticles, suggesting that some other property of the mineral coating was responsible.

Along with the increase in transfection efficiency, MCM-mediated chemical transfection greatly increased cell viability. At the highest plasmid DNA concentration tested, the use of soluble lipoplex resulted in only 20% cell viability, whereas the addition of MCMs resulted in ~70% cell viability.

MCMs also increased the efficiency of reverse transfection, which is superior to regular transfection for certain difficult-to-transfect cells such as the human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) that they tested, and which involvesd DNA delivery from underneath the cell layer before it attaches to the culture substrate.

For a 3-D cell culture model of cell aggregates formed by centrifugation of cells into agarose microwells, soluble DNA lipoplexes showed poor transfection, as expected. However, when DNA lipoplex–treated MCMs were mixed with the cells before aggregation, the resulting aggregates displayed uniform GFP expression from the transfected construct.

Given the active role played by the mineral coating in increasing chemical transfection efficiency by MCMs, the team plans to examine how the composition of the mineral coating enhances its ability to take up and present DNA lipoplexes during transfection.


Andrew S. Khalil, Xiaohua Yu, Angela W. Xie, Gianluca Fontana, Jennifer M. Umhoefer, Hunter J. Johnson, Tracy A. Hookway, Todd C. McDevitt & William L. Murphy. 2017. Functionalization of microparticles with mineral coatings enhances non-viral transfection of primary human cells. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 14211 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14153-x

IFKine™ Orange Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG becomes the new addition to the Abbkine family

IFKine™ Orange Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG becomes the new addition to the Abbkine familyAbbkine Scientific Limited has recently announced the launch of its new product - IFKine™ Orange Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG. The Orange dye Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG conjugated antibodies are made to absorb light maximally at 555 nm and fluoresce with a peak around 570 nm. The antibody is brighter than its counterparties like TRITC, Cy3 antibody.

Hosted in donkeys and with mouse reactivity, the antibody’s immunogen is Mouse IgG whole molecule, with applications such as FCM, ICC, and IF. The antibody is polyclonal and is affinity purified using solid phase Mouse IgG (H&L) with finally > 95% purity based on SDS-PAGE.

Available in liquid solution, the antibody reacts with whole molecule mouse IgG. The antibody also reacts with light chains of all other mouse immunoglobulins. The minimization of the antibody’s cross-reaction with human, rabbit, goat, sheep and guinea pig serum proteins helps to reduce non-specific hybrization.

Abbkine IFKine™ is series of unique fluorence staining secondary antibodies with improved brightness, photostability and less nonspecific hybridization and background. The latest generation of IFKine fluorescent dyes ensure the best fluorescent performance, while it’s donkey host and other species of serum/IgG absorbed make IFKine™ secondary antibodies the ideal for use in fluorence staining, especially in fluorence multiple labeling.

About Abbkine Scientific Co. Ltd

Abbkine Scientific Co. Ltd is scientific research company founded in 2012 by number of scientists and marketing experts in the field of life science in California, USA. The company is headquartered in China and has effectively combined cutting edge technology from United States with China's manufacturing engineering and cost advantages to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research and drug discovery.


EliKine™ Human TSH ELISA Kit Review

EliKine™ Human TSH ELISA Kit ReviewThyroid-stimulating hormone (also known as thyrotropin, thyrotropic hormone, TSH, or hTSH for human TSH) is a pituitary hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine (T4), and then triiodothyronine (T3) which stimulates the metabolism of almost every tissue in the body. T4 and T3 are indicated in controlling normal development of children, including brain development, and a variety of other functions in the body. People who have too much (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism) of these hormones can develop very serious medical problems. TSH is a glycoprotein hormone synthesized and secreted by thyrotrope cells in the anterior pituitary gland, which regulates the endocrine function of the thyroid. In 1916, Bennett M. Allen and Philip E. Smith found that the pituitary contained a thyrotropic substance.

EliKine™ Human TSH ELISA Kit adopts a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate TSH in samples. An antibody specific for TSH has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any TSH present is bound by the immobilized antibody. After removing any unbound substances, a HRP conjugated antibody specific for TSH is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of TSH bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.

As a scientific research worker, I have already known that Abbkine occupies a leading position in antibody research and development. When I heard that Abbkine will launch a series of brand-new EliKine™ ELISA kit, I ordered one without hesitation. To my surprise, EliKine™ Human TSH ELISA Kit has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Human TSH. No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Human TSH and analogues was observed. Everything goes smoothly within my project timelines. I believe that this product will also satisfy your concrete research needs perfectly. Abbkine enjoys a sound reputation for its advanced craftsmanship, high quality, attractive price and convenient delivery service. I hold a strong belief that Abbkine will be your primary choice in scientific research. If you trust me, you can order it right now!

ELISA Testing Service

ELISA Testing ServiceAccelerate cytokines, chemokine, hormones and other proteins validation and detection with proprietary EliKineTM ELISA Kits within 7 business days.

Why Choose Abbkine ELISA Testing Service for your Research?
  •  High quality test tools- EliKineTM ELISA Kits

EliKine™ series of ELISA kits exert high sensibility and specificity, with a comprehensive selection of ELISA kits available for the quantification of cytokines, chemokine, hormones and other proteins, to meet experiment demands. More features about EliKineTM ELISA Kits, please visit https://www.abbkine.com/elikine-elisa-kits-new-addition-abbkines-scientific-research-kit-family/.
  • Assays optimized for many sample types

We’ve tested our assays extensively in many different sample types. All analytes are validated for use with serum, plasma (EDTA, heparin, citrate) and cell culture supernatant. If you have a sample type we haven’t tried before, just let us know and we can help.
  • Services from experienced and trustworthy scientist

Our dedicated ELISA Testing Service staff ensures your samples are treated in full accordance with the contracted study requirements. We provide rapid delivery of results and unsurpassed customer service. Our Testing Service laboratory successfully provides services for contract research organizations, academic groups, government organizations, and pharmaceutical companies.
  • Quality assurance and timely delivery

Entrusting our expert personnel with your study samples ensures accurate results that are returned in a timely, efficient, and customized manner under our proven quality management systems. With our team of highly experienced scientists, Abbkine’s service department provides you with data of the highest accuracy and reproducibility.

To obtain an ELISA service quotation, contact us at service@abbkine.com


EliKine™ Human Prolactin ELISA Kit review

EliKine™ Human Prolactin ELISA Kit reviewProlactin (gene name PRL) is a secreted neuroendocrine pituitary hormone that acts primarily on the mammary gland to promote lactation, but has pleiotropic effects in both males and females. Prolactin is predominantly found as 199 amino acid, 25 kDa glycosylated and 23 kDa non-glycosylated monomers. Human prolactin shares only 60% and 63% amino acid sequence identity with mouse and rat prolactin, respectively, although rat prolactin can activate the human prolactin receptor. Although better characterized in rodents than humans, post-translational modifcations such as polymerization, glycosylation, and proteolytic cleavage can alter the activities of prolactin.

EliKine™ Human Prolactin ELISA Kit employs a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate Prolactin in samples. An antibody specific for prolactin has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any prolactin present is bound by the immobilized antibody. After removing any unbound substances, a HRP conjugated antibody specific for prolactin is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of prolactin bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.

EliKine™ Human Prolactin ELISA Kit yielded a robust data set that met current requirements as well as provided a new tool for future use, everything goes well within my project timelines. This was due in large part to the excellent communication and impressive initiative taken by the scientists and product manager who used Abbkine extensive knowledge to find the best solution to my requirements.


EliKine™ Human IL-1β ELISA Kit – the new addition to Abbkine’s scientific research kit family

EliKine™ Human IL-1β ELISA Kit – the new addition to Abbkine’s scientific research kit familyThe EliKine™ Human IL-1β ELISA Kit is one of the latest scientific research products from Abbkine Scientific Co. Ltd. The company recently announced the launch of the product, designed to enhance scientific research processes.

The IL-1β is a member of the interleukin 1 cytokine family, produced by activated macrophages as a proprotein, which is proteolytically processed to its active form by caspase 1 (CASP1/ICE). Interleukin 1β is an important mediator of the inflammatory response, involved in several cellular activities, including cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.

Interleukin 1β Elisa kit has human reactivity, employing a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate IL-1β in samples. The IL1B Elisa kit uses colorimetric method of detection, with the suitable samples types being Cell culture supernatants, other biological fluids, Plasma, and Serum.

The components of the kit include:
  • Human IL-1β microplate

  • Human IL-1β standard

  • Human IL-1β detect antibody

  • EliKine™ Streptavidin-HRP

  • Standard diluent

  • Assay buffer

  • HRP substrate

  • Stop solution

  • Wash buffer

  • Plate covers.

One of the major features and benefits of the kit is its high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Human IL-1β., with no significant cross-reactivity or interference between Human IL-1β and analogues.

About Abbkine Scientific Co. Ltd

Abbkine Scientific Co. Ltd was founded in 2012 by a team of scientists and marketing experts in the life science field in California, USA. Headquartered in China, Abbkine has effectively combined cutting edge technology from United States with China's manufacturing engineering and cost advantages to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research and drug discovery.


EliKine™ Human bFGF ELISA Kit Review

The protein encoded by FGF2 gene is a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family. FGF family members bind heparin and possess broad mitogenic and angiogenic activities. This protein has been implicated in diverse biological processes, such as limb and nervous system development, wound healing, and tumor growth. The mRNA for this gene contains multiple polyadenylation sites, and is alternatively translated from non-AUG (CUG) and AUG initiation codons, resulting in five different isoforms with distinct properties. The CUG-initiated isoforms are localized in the nucleus and are responsible for the intracrine effect, whereas, the AUG-initiated form is mostly cytosolic and is responsible for the paracrine and autocrine effects of this FGF.

EliKine™ Human bFGF ELISA Kit employs a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate bFGF in samples. An antibody specific for bFGF has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any bFGF present is bound by the immobilized antibody. After removing any unbound substances, a biotin-conjugated antibody specific for bFGF is added to the wells. After washing, proprietary EliKine™ Streptavidin-HRP conjugates is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound streptavidin-enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of bFGF bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.

I ordered the Human bFGF ELISA Kit from Abbkine and want to detect endogenous bFGF level in human cell culture supernatant. What is surprising is that I received the product just three days later. The technical support is very professional and patient, and they help me search the references and analyze the questions met during the experiment. Finally, I got satisfying results. The kit has high sensitivity and the price is cheaper than other brands. I want to recommend it to my friends.