
ELISA Testing Service

ELISA Testing ServiceAccelerate cytokines, chemokine, hormones and other proteins validation and detection with proprietary EliKineTM ELISA Kits within 7 business days.

Why Choose Abbkine ELISA Testing Service for your Research?
  •  High quality test tools- EliKineTM ELISA Kits

EliKine™ series of ELISA kits exert high sensibility and specificity, with a comprehensive selection of ELISA kits available for the quantification of cytokines, chemokine, hormones and other proteins, to meet experiment demands. More features about EliKineTM ELISA Kits, please visit https://www.abbkine.com/elikine-elisa-kits-new-addition-abbkines-scientific-research-kit-family/.
  • Assays optimized for many sample types

We’ve tested our assays extensively in many different sample types. All analytes are validated for use with serum, plasma (EDTA, heparin, citrate) and cell culture supernatant. If you have a sample type we haven’t tried before, just let us know and we can help.
  • Services from experienced and trustworthy scientist

Our dedicated ELISA Testing Service staff ensures your samples are treated in full accordance with the contracted study requirements. We provide rapid delivery of results and unsurpassed customer service. Our Testing Service laboratory successfully provides services for contract research organizations, academic groups, government organizations, and pharmaceutical companies.
  • Quality assurance and timely delivery

Entrusting our expert personnel with your study samples ensures accurate results that are returned in a timely, efficient, and customized manner under our proven quality management systems. With our team of highly experienced scientists, Abbkine’s service department provides you with data of the highest accuracy and reproducibility.

To obtain an ELISA service quotation, contact us at service@abbkine.com

