
Abbkine Scientific Newly Launched Conjugated Loading Control & Tag antibodies

Loading control antibodies and tag antibodies, essential reagents in biological experiments including WB, IHC, IF, are widely used in life science research. During the process, researchers often need to match a secondary antibody (conjugated with HRP, Biotin, fluorophores) to analysis the results, which not only increased the costs of experimental reagents, but extra experimental procedures and time are consumed, may bring more potential of non-specific background.

Relying on advanced protein coupling technology and strict quality control specification, Abbkine now provides the conjugated loading control antibodies and tag antibodies with high quality and multiple applications. The labeling groups including the following HRP, Biotin, FITC, Cy3, Cy5 and AbFluor™ fluorophores (350, 405, 488, 555, 594, 647, 680).

[pdfjs-viewer url="https%3A%2F%2Fwww.abbkine.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F03%2FConjugated-loading-control-tag-antibodies.pdf" viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

Compared with Abcam, Abbkine has good performance and better price, see below information:

SpeciesChicken, Dog, Hamster
Human, Monkey, Mouse
Rabbit, Rat
Chicken, Dog, Chinese hamster Human, Mouse, Rat
Rabbit, Cow, Pig
Drosophila melanogaster
African green monkey
GAPDH-AbFluor 488Cat#A01020A488ab198305
SpeciesChicken, Dog, Hamster Human, Insect,Monkey
Mouse, Pig, Rabbit
Rat, Sheep, Yeast
DDDDK tag-HRPCat#A02015ab49763


About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. is a leading biotechnology company that focuses on developing and providing innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, drug discovery, etc.  Find more details, please visit the website at https://www.abbkine.com.

