
Popular PurKine™ GST-Tag Glutathione Resin (Packed Column ) Released!

gst-tagGlutathione S-transferase (GST) is a 26 kDa protein derived from Schistosoma japonicum. GST enzymes from various sources, both native and recombinantly expressed as fusion to the N-terminus of target proteins. Reduced glutathione (GSH), when immobilized as a ligand to agarose or other chromatography supports, enables high-yield and high-quality purification of recombinant proteins expressed as fusions with glutathione S-transferase (GST) or other glutathione binding proteins expressed in E. coli, insect cells and mammalian cells.

PurKine™ GST-Tag Glutathione Resin effectively purifies high levels of overexpressed GST-tagged fusion proteins in gravity column procedures at a variety of scales. The Resin consists of 90μm beads of cross-linked 4% agarose, to which reduced glutathione has been coupled. Tests confirm that performance equals or exceeds popular GST-Tag Purification Resins from other suppliers, and no decrease in performance occurs after at least five repeated uses. PurKine™ GST-Tag Glutathione Resin Packed Column is a column that is pre-packed with Glutathione Resin. There is no need to pack resin by users.

PurKine™ GST-Tag Purification system is based on innovative high-capacity matrix for convenient single-step purifications of recombinant glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins and other glutathione binding proteins. Per milliliter of resin can capture more than 20 mg of GST-tagged protein and target  proteins can be eluted under mild, non-denaturing conditions that preserve protein antigenicity and functionality. It definitely can meet the demand of  GST-Tag protein purification well.


Featured PurKine™ GST-Tag Protein Purification Kit (Glutathione) Released!

Featured PurKine™ GST-Tag Protein Purification Kit (Glutathione) Released!Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is a 26 kDa protein derived from Schistosoma japonicum. GST enzymes from various sources, both native and recombinantly expressed as fusion to the N-terminus of target proteins, are easily purified using glutathione (GSH) agarose beads is well documented and provides a one-step, high purity affinity purification. Due to the positive influence of the GST-tag on protein solubility and expression efficiency especially of small proteins, this technique has been widely used to generate proteins for crystallization, molecular immunology studies and studies involving protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions.

PurKine™ GST-Tag Protein Purification Kit effectively purifies high levels of overexpressed GST-tagged fusion proteins in gravity column procedures at a variety of scales. The Resin consists of 90μm beads of cross-linked 4% agarose, to which reduced glutathione has been coupled. Tests confirm that performance equals or exceeds popular GST-Tag Purification Resins from other suppliers, and no decrease in performance occurs after at least five repeated uses. Also, proteins are eluted under mild, non-denaturing conditions that preserve protein antigenicity and functionality.

This GST-Tag Protein Purification Kit with ferrimagnetic agarose beads suitable for fast & efficient small-scale purification of GST fusion proteins.Also high-performance 4 % agarose is suitable for FPLC, gravity flow and batch purification of GST fusion proteins.  Of course,  if you want to save money while still with high protein yield, this kit deserve your investment.


Anti-HA Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (4F6)

HA tag,Complexes containing plasmid DNA, transferrin-polylysine conjugates, and polylysine-conjugated peptides derived from the N-terminal sequence of the influenza virus hemagglutinin subunit HA-2 have been used for the transfer of luciferase or -galactosidase marker genes to K562 cells, HeLa cells, and BNL CL.2 hepatocytes. The presence of these influenza peptide conjugates in the DNA complexes renders the complexes active in membrane disruption in a liposome leakage assay and results in a substantial augmentation of the transferrin-polylysine-mediated gene a02040-wbtransfer. The HA tag antibody can specifically recognize the C terminal or N terminal with HA tag (HA-tagged) fusion protein, and also can be used to detect the HA expression of tag fusion protein expression, cellular localization, and purification, qualitative and quantitative detection of HA expression of tag fusion protein.

Anti-HA Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (4F6) was affinity-purified from mouse ascites by affinity-chromatography using specific immunogen. This antibody has been tested with IF, IP and WB. Abbkine suggested starting dilutions are as follows: WB 1:5000, IP: 1:200, IF: 1:1000.

HA tags can be located in the C or N side of the protein, the system has been applied in a variety of cell types, the corresponding HA tag antibody is also widely used. To my knowledge, Abbkine is a great option when you want to find a cost-effective product. It is a great brand that my colleagues mentions to be profuse in praise. 


Anti-GST Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (2A8) Review

Protein tags are protein or peptide sequences located either on the C- or N- terminal of the target protein, which facilitates one or several of the following characteristics: solubility, detection, purification, localization and expression. GST(Glutathione S-Transferase) is a widely used protein tag encoded by the Schistosoma japonicum. GST provides both an easily detectable tag and a simple purification process with little effect on the biological function of the protein of interest. Antibodies to GST are useful for checking protein expression both in plaques and on Western blots as a02030-wbwell as for immunoaffinity purification of proteins expressed in cells. This antibody recognizes the GST-tag fused to either the amino- or carboxy-terminus of targeted proteins.

Anti-GST Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (2A8) was affinity-purified from mouse ascites by affinity-chromatography using specific immunogen. This antibody has been tested with WB. And Abbkine suggested starting dilutions are as follows: WB 1:5000.

IP is one of the important applications of tag antibody. My experiments need to purify the fusion protein. Anti-GST Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (2A8) also meets the needs of this area. I am very satisfied with this product.



High tolerance PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-Super Resin

protein-purificationPurKine™ His-Tag Ni-Super Resin effectively purifies high levels of overexpressed His-tagged fusion proteins in gravity column procedures at a variety of scales. The Resin consists of 90μm beads of highly cross-linked 4% agarose, to which Nitilotriacetic acid (NTA) has been coupled. The chelating group has then been charged with nickel ions (Ni2+). Tests confirm that performance equals or exceeds popular Ni-NTA resins from other suppliers, and no decrease in performance occurs after at least five repeated uses.

Abbkine's PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-Super Resin is stored in PBS buffer containing 20% ethanol. Ni-Super resin has two prominent advantages compared to Ni-NTA and Ni-IDA, high tolerance and easy cleaning. Ni-Super resin is more tolerable to various chemicals including reducing, chelating agents. The nickel ions have been shown to remain bound to the chelating ligand even after incubation for 24 hours in 10 mM EDTA. When cleaning, directly use NaOH .

I tried Abbkine's PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-Super Resin and Abbkine's PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-Super Resin 6FF.  6FF is more suitable for scaling-up. His-Tag Ni-Super Resin is designed primarily for  purification of His-Tag proteins secreted into cell culture supernatants from eukaryotic cells. Sample pretreatment may not be necessary if the concentration of target protein is low in the sample. In  my test, Ni-Super Resin performs well.


Anti-GFP Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (3D3) Review

Green fluorescent protein (GFP), originally isolated from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria, is one of the best visual reporters for monitoring gene expression in vivo and in situ. GFP is a also convenient marker for use in flow cytometry because it eliminates the need to incubate with a secondary reagent (such as dyes or antibodies) for detection. However, anti-GFP antibody is also widely used for co-immunipreciapitation, co-localization or western blotting for the confirmation of specificity when a GFP fusion protein is expressed in cells. Because of its ability to spontaneously a02020-wbgenerate its own fluorophore, the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria is used extensively as a fluorescent marker in molecular and cell biology.

Anti-GFP Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (3D3) was affinity-purified from mouse ascites by affinity-chromatography using specific immunogen. This antibody has been tested with WB applications. And Abbkine suggested starting dilutions are as follows: WB 1:5000.

Green fluorescent protein is not only non-toxic, but also self illuminated without other coenzyme. We can study the dynamic process of living cells at the molecular level. Anti-GFP Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (3D3) is work well. This product is what I want.

PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-NTA Resin Products Review

protein-purificationPurKine™ His-Tag Ni-NTA Resin effectively purifies high levels of overexpressed His-tagged fusion proteins. The Resin consists of 90μm beads of highly cross-linked 4% agarose, to which Nitilotriacetic acid (NTA) has been coupled. The chelating group has then been charged with nickel ions (Ni2+). PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-NTA Resin has extraordinary compatibility with commonly used reducing agents such as DTT, chelating metalloprotease inhibitors such as EDTA, and a wide range of buffer substances and salt conditions.

Abbkine's PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-NTA Resin is stored in PBS buffer containing 20% ethanol. The Resin can be used in native and denaturing conditions and more than 50 mg of 6xHis-tagged protein would be captured per milliliter of resin. No performance decrease after at least five repeated uses of the same batch of resin.

I have used Abbkine's PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-NTA Resin for five times, and I don't regenerate the Ni-NTA so far. The resin shows very high batch-to-batch reproducibility , binding capacity and chemical stability. Our laboratory also purchased PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-NTA Packed Column and PurKine™ His-Tag Protein Purification Kit (Ni-NTA), and I haven't heard any complaints about the products until now.

PurKine™ Endotoxin Removal Kit (polymyxin B) Release

Endotoxins are kinds of small, stable, bacterially-derived hydrophobic molecules which can easily contaminate labware and whose presence can significantly impact both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Endotoxin is a complex lipopolysaccharide (LPS) found in the outer cell membrane of gram-negative bacteria. Endotoxins consist of a core polysaccharide chain, O-specific polysaccharide side chains (O-antigen) and a lipid component, Lipid A, which is responsible for the toxic effects The removal of these endotoxins is highly necessary for downstream processes but also highly difficult.

Abbkine PurKine™ Endotoxin Removal KitPurKine™ Endotoxin Removal Kit (polymyxin B) Release is based on the affinity matrix of modified polymyxin B (PMB), with removal resin of high efficiency to allows highly efficient endotoxin removal.Our test shows that PurKine™ Endotoxin Removal Resin has been designed to reduce endotoxin levels with high capacity, which means more than 2,000,000 EU/mL to eliminate >99% of endotoxins, and with high performance, which means protein recovery is more than 85%. Reducing final EU concentration to 0.1 EU/mL.

If you want to remove eliminate more than 99% of endotoxins from  2,000,000 EU/mL to  amazing 0.1 EU/mL, or choosed a time and cost saving product to eliminate endotoxin level in labware, raw materials, then this featured PurKine™ Endotoxin Removal Kit deserve you!