
High tolerance PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-Super Resin

protein-purificationPurKine™ His-Tag Ni-Super Resin effectively purifies high levels of overexpressed His-tagged fusion proteins in gravity column procedures at a variety of scales. The Resin consists of 90μm beads of highly cross-linked 4% agarose, to which Nitilotriacetic acid (NTA) has been coupled. The chelating group has then been charged with nickel ions (Ni2+). Tests confirm that performance equals or exceeds popular Ni-NTA resins from other suppliers, and no decrease in performance occurs after at least five repeated uses.

Abbkine's PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-Super Resin is stored in PBS buffer containing 20% ethanol. Ni-Super resin has two prominent advantages compared to Ni-NTA and Ni-IDA, high tolerance and easy cleaning. Ni-Super resin is more tolerable to various chemicals including reducing, chelating agents. The nickel ions have been shown to remain bound to the chelating ligand even after incubation for 24 hours in 10 mM EDTA. When cleaning, directly use NaOH .

I tried Abbkine's PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-Super Resin and Abbkine's PurKine™ His-Tag Ni-Super Resin 6FF.  6FF is more suitable for scaling-up. His-Tag Ni-Super Resin is designed primarily for  purification of His-Tag proteins secreted into cell culture supernatants from eukaryotic cells. Sample pretreatment may not be necessary if the concentration of target protein is low in the sample. In  my test, Ni-Super Resin performs well.

