PurKine™ GST-Tag Protein Purification Kit effectively purifies high levels of overexpressed GST-tagged fusion proteins in gravity column procedures at a variety of scales. The Resin consists of 90μm beads of cross-linked 4% agarose, to which reduced glutathione has been coupled. Tests confirm that performance equals or exceeds popular GST-Tag Purification Resins from other suppliers, and no decrease in performance occurs after at least five repeated uses. Also, proteins are eluted under mild, non-denaturing conditions that preserve protein antigenicity and functionality.
This GST-Tag Protein Purification Kit with ferrimagnetic agarose beads suitable for fast & efficient small-scale purification of GST fusion proteins.Also high-performance 4 % agarose is suitable for FPLC, gravity flow and batch purification of GST fusion proteins. Of course, if you want to save money while still with high protein yield, this kit deserve your investment.