IFKine™ Red Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG reacts with whole molecule rabbit IgG. It also reacts with light chains of all other rabbit immunoglobulins. It's cross-reaction with human, mouse, rat, goat, sheep and guinea pig serum proteins has been specialized minimized to reduce non-specific hybrization. It has no reactivity on non-immunoglobulin serum proteins. Abbkine suggested the starting dilutions for most applications are 1:50-1:1,000.
Abbkine IFKine™ is series of unique fluorence staining secondary antibodies with improved brightness, photostability and less nonspecific hybridization and background. The latest generation of IFKine fluorescent dyes ensure the best fluorescent performance, while it’s donkey host and other species of serum/IgG absorbed make IFKine™ secondary antibodies the ideal for use in fluorence staining, especially in fluorence multiple labeling.
IFKine™ Red Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG antibody is also supplied by Abbkine.