
Anti-mCherry Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (9D3) Review

mCherry is a fluorophore (a fluorescent protein) used in biotechnology as a tracer to follow the flow of fluids, as a marker when tagged to molecules and cell components. mCherry and the majority of red fluorescent proteins derive from a protein isolated from Discosoma sp., while other fluorescent proteins in the green range are often variants of GFP from Aequorea victoria. mCherry is a02080-wbsometimes preferred to other fluorophores due to its colour, as well as its photostability compared to other monomeric fluorophores.

Anti-mCherry Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (9D3) was affinity-purified from mouse ascites by affinity-chromatography using specific immunogen. This antibody has been routinely tested with WB application. And Abbkine suggested starting dilution is as follows: WB 1:5000.

The mCherry Tag Antibody can identify recombinant protein marked by mCherry that have alread been expressed, including those in the amino acid and the carboxyl terminal. Anti-mCherry Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (9D3) worked very well. I am satisfied with the results of the experiment.

