
PurKine™ Antibody Purification SulfoLink Resin Released

PurKine™ Antibody Purification SulfoLink ResinSulfoLink Resin  is a simple and efficient affinity chromatography medium. It allows covalent immobilization of sulfhydryl containing peptides, protein and other ligands to the medium agarose support for use in affinity purification procedures. The medium reacts specifically with free sulfhydrys to form a stable thioether linkage.

PurKine™ Antibody Purification SulfoLink Resin consists of average particle sizeof 90µm beads of 4% agarose beads with iodoacetyl groups, any molecule that contains free (reduced) sulfhydryl groups can be immobilized on SulfoLink Resin. User can get high valence of antibody by the resin, it is the indispensable affinity chromatography medium of polyclonal antibody purification.

PurKine™ Antibody Purification SulfoLink Resin is ideal for conjugating sulfhydryl containing peptide for subsequent antibody purification. It reacts specifically and efficiently with the exposed sulfhydryls (-SH).  One ml SulfoLink Resin can capture at least 3mg IgG. The resin is the best choice for custom-made affinity for purification of antibodies, antigens and other molecules of interest.

