
Preparing Cell Counting Kit-8 Solution ?

Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) solution in kit assign very convenient assays by utilizing highlywater-relaxed tetrazolium sailor, WST-8 to produce a water-dissolvable formazan Dyeupon decrease in the person of an electron porter, as shown in below.  WST-8 is educed by dehydrogenases in cells to give a yellowcolored roduct (formazan), which is soluble in the membrane civilization medium. The amount of the formazan dye generated by the nimbleness of dehydrogenases in cells is soon relative to the number of ignited cells.


"The CCK-8 Kit has been optimized for use." Said Brooke Kilyanek, Technical Manager of Abbkine Scientici. "If you want to buy WST-8 and 1-methoxy-PMS, and then mix the two regents  together to Cell counting kit-8 solution for cell proliferation assays yourselves. This is also certainly an option, but the best protocol to use is ultimately up to the researcher. "

Cell Counting Kit-8 is a one-deadman solution, and no mixing of components is required, which is totally differently from other commercial player in the market, such as WST-8 Kit. WST-8 Kit is normal made from two solution components. One component is an electron carrier for NADH-tetrazolium, which is 1-methoxy-PMS in most cases. And another component is WST-8 solution with proper reaction buffer.  While Cell Counting Kit-8 featured only one optimized solution component, which is nonradioactive, allot sensitive colorimetric assays for the purpose of the reckon of viable cells proliferation and cytotoxicity risk.

Since the CCK-8 solution is very stable and it has weak cytotoxicity, a longer incubation, such as 24 to 48 hours, is possible. We highly suggest you purchase bulk size of Cell Counting Kit-8 if you're willing to prepare CCK-8 solutions yourself. Since this will not only saving your time and cost, but also ensuring you reliability of cell research. Believe me, high quanlity branded CCK-8 allows you archieve colorimetric assays for the determination of the number of viable cells in the proliferation and cytotoxicity assays with high performance and high throughput.

